CJ Lyons
Another book read for Marce's psycho thriller challenge. Check it out *HERE*
Amazon Blurb -
Just your average Pittsburgh soccer mom, baking brownies and carrying a loaded forty-caliber Glock... Lucille Teresa Guardino. A woman of many identities. Lucille to her doting mother, Lulu to her devoted husband, Mom to her pre-teen daughter, Lucy to her friends, LT to her co-workers, and Supervisory Special Agent Guardino to the criminals she captures for the FBI's Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement squad. A loving mom and wife, dutiful daughter, consummate professional, and kick-ass federal agent, Lucy is living the perfect life. Until the day she comes up against a predator more vicious and cunning than any she's ever tackled before, one who forces Lucy to choose between the life of the young victim she is fighting to save and her own daughter's....and Lucy's dream life is shattered.
I like Lucy Guardino. She's tough, but not obnoxious or over the top. She has a happy family with her psychologist husband and her 12 year old daughter. Not perfect by any stretch of the word, she has a tough time dealing with her daughter falling ill, finding it easier to deal with cracking a tough case. Lucy goes after pedophiles and she is real good at it. Her comrades respect her, and have no qualms about taking orders from her.
The bad guy was a surprise all the way to the reveal for me which I loved, the side characters were all great. One thing I found which was very similar to the Kay Scarpetta novels was the relationship between Pittsburgh cop Burroughs and Lucy. Reminded me of Marino and Scarpetta. They had a nice banter, though Burroughs is finding Lucy very attractive. I will read the next, Bloodstained. I highly recommend this book.
31/2 cannolis
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