Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Weight Of Blood

The Weight Of Blood by Laura McHugh  Netgalley review

Amazon Blurb -

The town of Henbane sits deep in the Ozark Mountains. Folks there still whisper about Lucy Dane’s mother, a bewitching stranger who appeared long enough to marry Carl Dane and then vanished when Lucy was just a child. Now on the brink of adulthood, Lucy experiences another loss when her friend Cheri disappears and is then found murdered, her body placed on display for all to see. Lucy’s family has deep roots in the Ozarks, part of a community that is fiercely protective of its own. Yet despite her close ties to the land, and despite her family’s influence, Lucy—darkly beautiful as her mother was—is always thought of by those around her as her mother’s daughter. When Cheri disappears, Lucy is haunted by the two lost girls—the mother she never knew and the friend she couldn’t save—and sets out with the help of a local boy, Daniel, to uncover the mystery behind Cheri’s death.

What Lucy discovers is a secret that pervades the secluded Missouri hills, and beyond that horrific revelation is a more personal one concerning what happened to her mother more than a decade earlier.


*Releases March 11th, 2014*

Lucy Dane is a happy go lucky teenager living in a very small close knit town where everyone knows everyone else's business.  She's been raised by her dad since she was a baby and her mom disappeared.  When Cheri, a girl Lucy has befriended who is mentally challenged turns up dead, it opens up a keg that is more explosive than Lucy may be able to handle.

I really liked this book.  I was on edge wondering what was going to happen next.  Lucy is a great character, and the supporting characters are all very good too.  I like how the book gave each person's point of view.  It gave you their perspective of what was happening.  

Laura McHugh is a very good author.  Her words flow effortlessly, nothing was choppy, a nice smooth ride, even when going back in time and then forward again.  All in all, this book is a definite read if you like thrillers.

4 Cannolis


  1. This does sound good, will add to Wishlist. I specifically like when told by multiple characters.

  2. I don't know this book, but from the title, I may not like it.

    Stopping by from Carole's Books You Loved February Edition. I am in the list as #29. My book entry is below.
    Silver's Reviews
    My Book Entry

    There are also two giveaways on my blog. Check them out if you like.

  3. Thank You for popping by with kind comments. I too am an avid reader. Mostly fiction, ah, the smell and feel of a good book. It is nice to read a review to help pick the next novel. Keep smiling and creating.

    1. Thank you, reading is one of the most favorite things :) Next to scrapping that is ;)


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