I try to read all sorts of books, I lean towards paranormal/urban fantasy, thrillers and mysteries. I just love James Patterson, Chelsea Cain, John Sandford, Stephen King, Robert Crais, Charlaine Harris, Jeaniene Frost, JR Ward, just to name a few. As I find authors I'll post them here so you can see if you like them as well.
I've been keeping a tally of how many pages I've read since the 1st of the year, and I'm already over 6000! On the side bar to the left I will keep updating so you can see how many I've read. I'll also post my monthly reading list and maybe you'll find a book that interests you and if you'd like read it along with me. I will put in the blog what book I'll be reading next so you'll know.
Also, I'll post my reviews. These will be my opinions, and sometimes they are way strong! Not for every book I read, but those that really have me going and that I truly love. So you'll be seeing a review of book 10 of The Southern Vampire Series, Sookie Stackhouse which is what HBO'S True Blood is based on. It's fun and I love discussing books as well. I hope to gain some new followers who have a love of books and a passion for reading like myself. Please comment so I can know you came!
Many are true book traditionlists and don't like the idea of ebooks, I myself will read in any form, though I haven't really gotten into audio books yet. iPod owners, did you know you can get books for your pod?!! If you're a walker, you can listen to books while you get your excersise!!I am a very ecstatic owner of the Amazon Kindle. I love the light weight easy transport convinience of it. Right in my pocketbook and I'm off! I also am a member of PaperBackSwap.com. I highly recommend this sight if you don't form attachments to your books. You list books to trade and you earn points when other members order books from you for swapping. Each book costs 1 point, audio costs 2. When someone gets a book from you, you get a point as well to go in your "bank".
I have finished with Ilona Andrew's Magic Burns. It was just fantastic! My reading for the month of March is complete. Then I will start Magic Strikes which is # 3. The last of the series is Magic Bleeds but I haven't put it on April's reading list, I'll think about it ;)
I have found a new author, Cody McFadyen, he writes thrillers, and I'll be starting his series as well. His 1st in the series is Shadowman, and I'm looking forward to reading it!
You can click on any of the books to go right to Amazon for a description, I've hyper-linked all of them, and I will always try to link any description I have for your ease. The Amazon and Barnes and Noble pics on the side bar are linked to their sites as well.
Here's my reading list for April, and I will also post it on the side bar with an update of what I've finished there as well. I hope you all enjoy this blog, different than my other, but exciting just the same!

Great blog, P. I love the colors and design. You have your first follower now as well. LOL
ReplyDeleteAh...another person who loves the smell of books. My kiddo is going to be a follower, so watch the commentaries...I love to read, so will follow and see what you've read and the review
ReplyDeleteGreat blog, great idea.
Another great blog, Paula! Will definitely be following...always looking for a new book to read!