Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Thrill Week Bloggers Event!!

Marce, my blogging buddy is hosting this awesome event!  You can catch all the details over at her blog - Tea Time With Marce.  I think this is going to be a lot of fun.  If you're a thriller/mystery/suspense/horror nut head on down to find out more.

I have always loved the thriller genre.  I started young, 12 or 13  yrs old when this, his first novel came out - Suffer The Children by John Saul and continued through to the master himself, Stephan King.  Now I have branched out to so many great authors.  I always gravitate to them, even though I do love my PNR and have become an official junkie, nothing gets me going like a good psycho thriller.

Pop in to see what all the thrill is about ;)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like my travel plans for the holiday weekend have fizzled out, so I may just participate in this. It sounds like fun!


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