Monday, August 15, 2011

Adieu....For Now

Just wanted to take a minute to say that I will be pulling back from book blogging for a while.  Maybe just popping in to post a monthly wrap-up.  I have a full boat all the way through November and I no longer have this desire to review every book I read, nor keep such close track of what I've read or will read.  I miss the spontaneity of just picking up a book because I love it.  My tbr pile will never get that small because I love books just way too much and going to the library or bookstore, perusing as well as the Kindle freebies is a fun thing for me.

I will be ending the book-club as well so if one of you gals want to take it up please feel free to copy the image and go for it :)  It was great fun, but I belong to a book-club with some friends and family and that fills my time plenty.

I do have my other blog which is devoted to my life's doings and I will primarily pop in there when I have the time to do so.  I have made some great blogging friends, and will always stop by to see what they have going on.


  1. I will just have to visit you over your blog.

    You will be missed. I will also miss the venting crap reviews, lol

  2. When your blogging/reading schedule gets to be more work than fun, it is definitely time for a break!

    I'll miss you Paula! Please make sure to pop in and say hello once in a while....

  3. You are one of my first blog friends but we do change in our wants and wishes. Keep visiting me. :-( steph

  4. Hi Paula,
    I understand the need to step away from blogging for awhile when your plate gets so full. I pretty much think of blogging as a hobby, which helps me be low key and non pressured about it. I post what I want when I want... although sometimes I think about blog posts more than I actually write them. lol

    I do hope you find some time now and then to visit me, too! : )

    I am considering continuing with the Authors by the Alphabet book club ... but if I do, it will be in September. I was away on vacation for two weeks this month... and this last week has been pretty hectic preparing for Irene and now recovering from the storm. Not to mention feeling that East Coast earthquake a few days ago! Yikes what a week in New Jersey!

    Be well and happy!


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