I love fall colors, I really am a true blue fall baby with it's rich jewel tones. October is a great month and not just because it's my birthday month either ;)
Got some decent reading done. Some pleasant surprises and one that fizzled on me very disappointingly.
Grave Secret by Charlaine Harris, the final in this series. I liked it and am sad that this is the last one of theses books.
Half Broke Horses by Jeanette Walls. My book club chose this for October and it was most certainly a pleasant surprise! I wasn't looking forward to it at all, yet I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Fifty Shades Darker by E.L. James. Started out a page turner then quickly degraded for me. My review is *HERE*
One might say it was a light reading month, but with wedding prep going on, and the fact that since I am no longer keeping track of my reading I don't quite remember what was this month or a past month, I had a nice selection and enjoyed them all for the most part. I may just start keeping track again, with my memory becoming so poor I really don't like the fact that I can't recall what I read :p
I just finished Gabriel's Inferno by Sylvain Reynard. I really really liked this book. Ya know, I have no idea if the author is male or female. My instinct says male, and let me say if it is so, he writes love scenes beautifully, gentle, sweet and so tender, yet boy do you want more! Just reading of their kisses melts you. My review is *HERE* . Finished Club Shadowlands by Cherise Sinclair in a day and a half and to be honest, these books are not for me. While Fifty Shades was enjoyable, these just agitate me beyond my comfort zone. I know it takes all kinds, but being punished, yes siring and master just don't sit with me.
Right now I'm reading Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire. I really am liking this book so far. It's marketed as YA, but I gotta be honest here, this is very easily an adult book, even with characters that are in college, 19-21 years old. I DO NOT recommend this for any girl under 17. Don't get me wrong, I know that teenage girls are no longer shielded from the blatant sexuality and behavior out there, I wasn't born yesterday and I remember when I was a teen, but it is strong. Travis is major alpha, right up my alley, he is seriously jealous and possessive and won't hesitate to flatten anyone he feels is after his "Pidge". Heard a little criticism of the "exotic" names of the characters, don't get it, and of the writing style, not having a problem with that either, I found Breaking Dawn much much worse and of the fact that it seems that it was self published? I will definitely review this one since I am enjoying it. I prefer the cover that they are showing now (#2) instead of the previous one, what do you think -
Enjoy your November fellow book lovers, Christmas will be here before we all know it!

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