I haven't Followed in a long while. Thought I'd take a spin :)
If you're interested we have a book club going on here called Authors By The Alphabet. Kinda self explanatory, gives us all a chance to go through authors alphabetically and expand our reading world, sometimes with lovely surprises, sometimes with teeth gnashing growls ;) This month is H and we have Grave Sight
On to the Follow -
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Q. Let's step away from besties...What is the worst book that you've ever read and actually finished?
I have three that I've read when I never should have continued, the second one was after I vowed to never EVER read a crummy book again!!
# 1
That's right folks, 3 times the charm :) My all time suckiest book is this drivel filled bull sh*t. Why did I do it you ask? Well my sis in law started a book club last August and this was their first choice. I was in Vegas when they met so I couldn't stamp my feet and throw a hissy fit in protest so I read this crap and took one for the team. Wanna see my vitriol filled review? Go *here* All I know is I wish a publisher would pay me to eat my way through Italy, I'd do it with a smile as big as New York City!!
Happy Friday Bloggers, and have a great weekend!!

I never heard of the other two, but I read twilight and I found it wan't that bad because it got alot of people to try out reading, which is a good thing. Hopefully though, they have moved on to greater and better works. New Follower! :)
I enjoyed your worst book comments! I did read #3, don't care to read #1, and don't know #2 but I'm going to read it now 'cause of your glowing review. --Thanks for the chuckle.
ReplyDeleteHopping through. I'm not interested in reading Eat Pray Love, but I really want to read Eat SLAY Love :-)
ReplyDeleteMy Hop
Hi Maria, true the Twi series did get a boat load of kids and adults reading so that was a good thing! Thanks for the follow.
ReplyDeleteJinky, I'm glad my reviews have piqued your interest ;) lol!
Alison I have found there is no in between ground of EPL you either loved it or hated it!