Here are the q-n-a's for our May book choice, just cut and paste, post on your blog with your review, and then come back here and paste your answers-
The First Cut
Dianne Emley
Ballentine Books
352 pgs.
1. Did you like/dislike this book? Why?
I did like this book. Thriller/Suspense is one of my favorite genres. I like how this book flowed, I found it keeping my interest right to the last page.
2. What did you think of Det. Nan Vining?
She was a great character, strong but not over the top tough as sometimes happens when making the female cop the lead. I found her likeable and very sympathetic in her attack and how she is dealing with it.
3. Was there a character that you liked or disliked more than any other? Why?
I didn’t like Lt. Beltran. When there’s a hidden agenda people can get put into harm’s way, and he exposed them to that all for his own gain. I like Sgt. Early, they didn’t expound on her too much but I think her character has potential. I loved her daughter Emily, what a great character she was. Her devotion to her mom was just fantastic.
4. Did you think Nan handled her fear well? Did you think she was too hard on herself?
I think she was a bit hard on herself for having the fears that she did. Her attack was just coming up on a year anniversary and she was going back to work, so she was riding herself way too hard. I like how she was trying to talk herself through what she was imagining and feeling.
5. What were your feelings on her relationship with Det. Jim Kissick and how the author teased about T.B Mann still being out there? Do you hope to see that explored in her other books?
I liked the two together. I see where the worry of working together was in the way, but I liked the chemistry between the two. I expect T.B. Mann to be caught in her later books, and I would hope Nan gets her guy.
6. Describe what you liked or disliked about the writers style.
I liked how she didn’t get hung up in details. She kept the book moving at a quick clip. The only issue there might be was her name dropping of places and some people not from Cali will have no clue about who or what it is. Other than that I can’t think of anything off the top of my head.
7. Being a cop is far from easy let alone a female cop, Frankie’s friend officer Hernandez touched on it with Nan and retired cop Gerardo in Frankie’s condo; do you think the author accomplished this in her writing?
Yes, she made it clear when Nan came back how some still have problems with females on the force, and how civilians have no clue what it’s like when a gun is pointed at your face, or a car is used as a weapon.
8. Did you like that you knew who the bad guy was from the start? Did you find it too simplistic?
That way is fine for me. I like both styles of mysteries. Trying to guess who the bad guy is or knowing out of the gate. The trick with out of the gate is still holding your interest, and this book did. I didn’t find it too simplistic at all.
9. If you could change something about the book what would it be?
I don’t think I’d change anything. I enjoyed it and found it a great read.
10. Will you continue with the Det. Nan series?
Yes I think I will, I wanna find out if she finally catches T.B. Mann!!
You can read my review *HERE*

1. Did you like/dislike this book? Why?
ReplyDeleteI liked this book! Yes, I did. The characters were very real and I could relate to them through my normal fears of this genre.
2. What did you think of Det. Nan Vining?
I loved that Nan was so real in facing her demons. When she was having those panic attacks in strange houses, I could totally relate. I've never had an attack but I can work myself up in a good frenzy over some things.
3. Was there a character that you liked or disliked more than any other? Why?
I'll go contrary on you all. I disliked Frankie. I am not implying that I blame her for the bad things that "The Creep" did to her. I am blaming her for allowing herself to fall to the dark side in the first place.
I liked Pussycat. I do not feel like she was responsible for any of what happened. She was being fed meth. I believe she had a heart of gold before she met "The Creep". I would like to see her be rehabilitated and introduced in another book.
4. Did you think Nan handled her fear well? Did you think she was too hard on herself?
I think Nan should seek professional help. She needs to talk this out with someone. I don't think she was being too hard on herself but rather still very much in throes of her trauma.
5. What were your feelings on her relationship with Det. Jim Kissick and how the author teased about T.B Mann still being out there? Do you hope to see that explored in her other books?
I think Kissick makes her perfect work partner. I don't think they would be compatible for long as romantic couple. He's too giving and Nan needs to be challenged.
6. Describe what you liked or disliked about the writers style.
The book absolutely flows. It sets up nicely for the 2nd book without being obvious that there as a 2nd book already written. Also, an instant connection with Nan via Emley because she feeds Nan Count Chocula. I didn't know any other adult ate that stuff.
7. Being a cop is far from easy let alone a female cop, Frankie’s friend officer Hernandez touched on it with Nan and retired cop Gerardo in Frankie’s condo; do you think the author accomplished this in her writing?
I think, if anything, she was a little too stereotypical about her female cop characters.
8. Did you like that you knew who the bad guy was from the start? Did you find it too simplistic?
I didn't think it was simplistic because she revealed his character slowly throughout the book even though we knew his identity.
9. If you could change something about the book what would it be?
I would take the otherworldly voices out of the mix. I think she could have called it intuition or something else. Also, it was almost a way out in her writing to reveal what needed to be revealed.
10. Will you continue with the Det. Nan series?
I am absolutely going to continue on with Nan. Nan is real and faces real life fears. I want to see how she deals with this as she continues her career and raising her daughter.
Paula: I'm not sure if my comments are coming through to you. I answered the questions but I don't see them posted. Please let me know if you get them!
ReplyDeleteSorry Belle, I don't come on everyday and the posts don't show till I ok them :)
ReplyDeleteI never thought about the Ct. Chocula!! That's a great thought Belle :) I think you're right about Nan needing a challenge. The same about the other worldly stuff, I think she would have been better off making it more her trauma playing with her mind than the "spirits" communicating with her.
I didn't really give Frankie that much thought other than in the context of being held and then killed, but I see where your coming from.
Glad you liked it Belle!
I'm glad I read this book. I'm sort of very interested in continuing on with Nan. It just goes to show that sometimes books that I think I will not enjoy turn out to be favorites.
ReplyDeleteI agree Belle, I have found a couple of books that I would never ever have picked up and wound up enjoying, or at least not feeling so bad that I read them. One was Picking Cotton, never would have read that and it was great, also Shanghai Girls, while not the best in the world, I did like it. For this club the Persian Pickle Club, never would have been on my radar and I loved it! Same with Bet Me so I'm glad I'm in 2 book clubs.
ReplyDeleteFinally done, my review.
1. Did you like/dislike this book? Why?
Initially I wasn't impressed, but in the end I did enjoy it. I like thrillers a little bit more right in my face, she gave a little at a time to build intensity.
2. What did you think of Det. Nan Vining?
I love kick ass Detectives, she wasn't in your face about it, but she stood up for what she believed in and took risk, I like that. More so I enjoy working moms that are kick ass in both areas.
3. Was there a character that you liked or disliked more than any other? Why?
I really enjoyed Nan's daughter Emily. I liked the dark artistic but loving daughter part of her.
4. Did you think Nan handled her fear well? Did you think she was too hard on herself?
I don't think she handled it well, she should have been in counseling to get assistance with it. I did like that she did request this at some point. Her not handling it could have put her at risk.
5. What were your feelings on her relationship with Det. Jim Kissick and how the author teased about T.B Mann still being out there? Do you hope to see that explored in her other books?
I didn't get enough to really have an reaction to Det. Kissick actually. I did like the teasers about T. B. Mann, The Bad Man :-) I would like to know more, but this is why I like stand alone's, I hate the waiting, lol
6. Describe what you liked or disliked about the writers style.
As I stated in my review, I actually didn't like the slow, giving a little trying to engage you slowly, this create a little bit of boredom for me. At times I also felt things were to descriptive. I struggled with the 1st half of the book.
7. Being a cop is far from easy let alone a female cop, Frankie’s friend officer Hernandez touched on it with Nan and retired cop Gerardo in Frankie’s condo; do you think the author accomplished this in her writing?
Yes I do and I like how they responded. I remember one part, someone said 'man, and the response was wo'man'. I also loved how Nan took control of the meeting with Lesley and he tried to make her uncomfortable but stating to the male detective that he was allowing her to lead.
8. Did you like that you knew who the bad guy was from the start? Did you find it too simplistic?
I prefer trying to figure it out but I don't mind this style, I think it was executed well.
9. If you could change something about the book what would it be?
A little more in my face, faster scenarios. Also, exploring more about the Pearls being her death stone but maybe this is for the next in series.
10. Will you continue with the Det. Nan series?
Belle, I really liked Pussycat also. And Nan definitely needs counselling.
ReplyDeletePaula, I agree on the style also, I can take either but I do like guessing. And Beltran was a complete ass but I found that to be true of Detectives, there would always be 1.
ReplyDeleteI loved your review of Eat, Pray, Love lol...I probably should have been more critical of it in my review because it did really annoy me that she basically got paid to travel the world and write about finding herself. Must be nice! haha. I did love the part where she's in Italy, though. *Craving pizza right now!*
Marce, I like how they portrayed the relationship between mother and daughter, especially with the parents being divorced she seemed like a great kid. I too prefer them a little bit rougher, but this was decent.
ReplyDeleteI didn't have as much sympathy for Pussy Cat for her desire to find a rich husband. I think she opened herself up to trouble this way.
Rebbecca, that book just made me ape and I found her a whiny cry baby :)
I finally got to writing and posting my review ... I'm sorry I fell behind with my timeliness with this one, especially since I finished it with plenty of time to spare at the end of the month!
ReplyDeleteMy review of The First Cut is HERE. I will answer the Q&A here in the morning!
Holy cow!!! It just dawned on me that I never brought my Q&A here! I'm SO sorry you guys!!! My mind is like a sieve this time of year! Only one more week and my kids are out of school... then maybe I'll be a little less dizzy.. O_o
ReplyDeletePART I
1. Did you like/dislike this book? Why?
I enjoyed The First Cut and give it 3.5 stars. I thought it was a bit slow in the beginning but it eventually took off and got very intense and suspenseful. I think the book could benefit from more personal development regarding the primary characters, especially Nan Vining.
2. What did you think of Det. Nan Vining?
I think she was great. Strong but not over the top in confidence or aggressiveness. She's also a very intuitive cop, which I like. I also think she was handling her anxiety issues well, although she could probably benefit from some counseling. Even if she did it on her own, not associated with the precinct.
3. Was there a character that you liked or disliked more than any other? Why?
John Lesley, of course, but I suppose that's a given.
I didn’t like Lt. Beltran primarily for his automatic dismissal of John Lesley as a suspect just because he was a "nice, friendly guy" and rich, successful club owner who was a potential business contact for Beltran's hopes to publish a screenplay. Like that gives someone immunity from suspicion? What an idiot.
4. Did you think Nan handled her fear well? Did you think she was too hard on herself?
I think Nan handled her fear very well. She was coping as best she could given the circumstances and her strength and determination to continue her career as a detective encouraged her to forge through her anxiety attacks. I don't think she was unnecessarily hard on herself--I think her occupation suits her personality and she did what she had to to keep going.
ReplyDelete5. What were your feelings on her relationship with Det. Jim Kissick and how the author teased about T.B Mann still being out there? Do you hope to see that explored in her other books?
I think Nan is definitely short changing herself thinking she can't explore a relationship with Kissick. I know her job, her daughter and her mental welfare is very important, but I think Kissick would be good for her. He seems kind and compassionate and would even give her the space she needs... and I think the attention, a little doting, some passion would be so good for her. I want them to get back together. Then again, I am a romantic, not always a realist. As for T.B. Mann... he's definitely out there and I expect Vining to bring that bastard down. These are the two reasons I want to read more books from this series!
6. Describe what you liked or disliked about the writers style.
I really enjoyed the writer's style. The procedural stuff was succinct and very authentic, which I appreciated and she wrote a darned suspenseful, albeit creepy crime novel. I thought the book started out a little slow... but it did take off and was very absorbing. I would have liked more details and depth from the characters, especially Nan, but I wonder if that's just personal preference from someone who reads character driven stories and prefers romance and chick lit type stories? Probably.
7. Being a cop is far from easy let alone a female cop, Frankie’s friend officer Hernandez touched on it with Nan and retired cop Gerardo in Frankie’s condo; do you think the author accomplished this in her writing?
Yes, she did. I think it could be elaborated even more in future books in this series.
8. Did you like that you knew who the bad guy was from the start? Did you find it too simplistic?
It was fine by me ... especially given the nature of the crimes. I needed to make sure I hated him from the beginning. lol
9. If you could change something about the book what would it be?
Again, a little more emotional reveal from Nan to make her a bit more compelling of a character. I want to see more of the woman.. not just the mom and not just the cop.
10. Will you continue with the Det. Nan series?
Yes! I want to see her with Kissick and of course, she's gotta' bring T.B. Mann DOWN!
Paula... I agree with you re: Lt. Beltran. What a jerk. I, too, liked Emily.
ReplyDeleteBookBelle.... I sort of agree with you about Frankie. I felt VERY, VERY sorry for her and how heartbroken and unhappy she was, but I was also angry with her for making some very grave mistakes. Namely, getting intimately and inappropriately involved with married men TWICE! Once with the cop and then with John Lesley and Pussycat? Really messed up. OF COURSE, NO ONE deserves what happened to her. EVER.
Marce.... It looks like you and I agree about the pacing of the book. The beginning kind of dragged for me and I'm not even sure why. Info dumping or just not connecting with the characters or story line yet?
Thanks for another fun month, Paula! :)