I love being a wife and Mom. So Cali transplant, Brooklyn N.Y. Born and bred. In this body is a creative being. I scrapbook, cook, and I write. Imagine that. I love to read and just devour books. These are things that just free me.
This latest Night Huntress World spin-off is coming out on the 27th of July. I love Jeaniene Frost's Night Huntress series, and want to host a discussion here at the Tome. I figured we can talk about it on the 27th of August. That gives us time to get the book and read it. If you're interested just let me know. I'll put up a kickoff post with a Mr.Linky if there's enough takers. When we're done, I'll post a list of ?'s that we can answer, and then all can post here linking back to your blogs. Sound good? I hope so. Her books are just great and I'm looking forward to getting to know Mencheres better how bout you?
Eternal Kiss Of Darkness
Jeaniene Frost
Paperback 384 pgs
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